The people of St. Bart's are fortunate and have been able to enjoy the gifts from those who came before us. Our Planned Giving program has enabled us to create an Endowment Fund. Each year, we are able to use some of the interest earned from the Endowment Fund to help defray the costs of maintaining our church home.
We ask all members to prayerfully considering leaving a legacy gift in your will to help build our Endowment Fund and help ensure that St. Bart's can continue our Mission and Ministry in this community.
A charitable bequest, whether through your will, a trust, or some other type of deferred gift, maybe handled in one of the following ways:
- PERCENTAGE BEQUEST: You designate a percentage of your estate.
- SPECIFIC BEQUEST: You designate a specific dollar amount or a specific piece of property or other asset.
- RESIDUARY BEQUEST: You designate the residue of your estate after other beneficiaries have received their bequests and expenses have been paid.
To include St. Bart's as a beneficiary of your estate, the following terminology is appropriate:
I give to the St. Bartholomew's Parish, EIN 93-0494093, not-for-profit corporation, located at 11265 SW Cabot St., Beaverton OR 97005, the sum of ($________ ) DOLLARS (or) a percentage of (%_______) of my residuary estate to be used by the St. Bartholomew's Parish for its general charitable purposes.
When planning or writing a will, please contact an estate attorney who has experience in estate planning. You may also wish to discuss these issues with your family and financial advisor.
Please also consider making your desires known for your funeral by contacting our rector, The Rev. Jeff Littlefield, or (503) 644-3468.
Your pre-planning is a blessing to those you love.
Feel free to contact St. Bart's for more information.