At St. Bart’s we realize that the Good News must not only be believed but also acted upon: together in community; through worshiping together; by sharing joys and sorrows in fellowship; and in doing ministry together in service to the wider world and our own community.
Defining your spirituality is a lifelong process that starts at Baptism. The people at St. Bart’s walk the path of spiritual pilgrimage together. We believe the Good News that Jesus Christ has died so that all of creation can be reconciled to God and to each other. Jesus’ resurrection is proof for us that new birth, which we experience in Baptism, is possible.
Education for Ministry - EfM
6:30 - 9:00 p.m., in upstairs conference room
Education for Ministry (EfM) engages spiritual searchers and people who would love the chance to go deeper into our faith. Topics include: the bible and its history; Christian doctrine and traditions; today’s problems and Godly solutions.
Please register with Debbie before attending class.
For more information about EfM, click here.
Contact: Debbie Raber
Women’s Tuesday Study Group
9:30 - 11:00 a.m., in the Hearth Room
We are women who have fun studying together and offering each other support.
We enjoy sharing concerns, joys and general conversation and study books and DVDs and anything else we find interesting.
Contacts: Tricia Dibblee
Tai Chi/Prayer in Motion
5:00 - 6:00 p.m., with Kevin
Translated from Chinese, Tai means great and Chi means energy. It is a form of exercise resulting in relaxation, stress reduction, improved concentration and balance, self-confidence, self-control as well as a good source of meditation. These gentle, fluid movements are perfect for people of all fitness abilities who are looking to improve their well-being. We add a Christian perspective to this ancient Chinese martial art, as we seek to balance our prayers and exercise.
New students are always welcome to join the group.
Donation requested: $2/class, which is given directly to our Food Ministries.
Contact: Kevin Holmes
Tai Chi/Prayer in Motion - Seated Class
9:00 - 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall
Translated from Chinese, Tai means great and Chi means energy. It is a form of exercise resulting in relaxation, stress reduction, improved concentration and balance, self-confidence, self-control as well as a good source of meditation. These gentle, fluid movements are perfect for people of all fitness abilities who are looking to improve their well-being. We add a Christian perspective to this ancient Chinese martial art, as we seek to balance our prayers and exercise.
New students are always welcome to join the group.
The seated class is ideal for folks with mobility issues or someone seeking a more contemplative prayer like practice.
Donation requested: $2/class, which is given directly to our Food Ministries.
Contact: Kevin Holmes
Tai Chi/Prayer in Motion - Standing Class
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall
This class is similar to the seated class, but standing.
Donation requested: $2/class, which is given directly to our Food Ministries.
Contact: Kevin Holmes
Children's Sunday School
9:30 - 10:20 a.m., downstairs in the Sunday School Classrooms
Ages 3-11
Our Sunday School meets in the downstairs classrooms weekly from September through June.
6th through 12th graders are welcome as Teacher Assistants. Adult volunteers are always welcome!
To learn more, please visit
Please contact for more information.
Youth Group
Grades 5-12
Our youth group is currently on hiatus. We are in search of two to four dedicated adult volunteers who enjoy working with teens and preteens and who can commit to two hours per week.
To volunteer or to learn more, please contact the main office or
Year ‘round VBS
Seasonally during the church year
We appreciate your patience as we reconfigure these events to meet the current needs of our congregation.
Please contact for more information.